“For me, these locations were just names I had read on a page or heard in passing but Dreamland changed all of that. This film takes you to the sites in question, showing you they aren’t just headlines, but rather real places.” (Download the interview as PDF) - Iceland Review
They looked at capitalist ecology in Iceland, as large portions of the nation’s highly condensed natural resources and majestically diverse habitat are being exploited for the benefit of corporate gain. (Download the interview as PDF) - DOX
“Most of the time, I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or vomit in disgust.” That somehow says it all. (Download the interview as PDF) - Reykjavik Grapevine
In Draumalandid… gibt Andri der Verzweiflung seiner Landsleute eine Stimme, informiert uber die Hintergrunde der Naturzerstörung und zeigt regionale, nachhaltige Alternativen auf. (Download the interview as PDF) - OYA
“…it offers impassioned visual and rhetorical arguments that put the island nation's environmental and financial problems in historical perspective. Illustrating how the government blithely sold precious natural resources to predatory multinationals and used economic fear-mongering to push the deals through without proper study or reflection.” - Variety
“The film is worth seeing for the visuals alone. The documentary is all the more exceptional given its ability to seamlessly weave a sense of poetic narrative with stark journalistic storytelling. The story is so well told that the film becomes its own cultural art form. It's rare to find a documentary so complete and well-directed.” - The Concordian
“Once every five to ten years a film comes along that shakes your soul, rattles the cage of your conscience, and awakes you from a media-immersed cryogenic dream state … the audiovisual awakening is the magnificent breathtaking political documentary Dreamland.”
- Art Threat
“This is one of the best environmental films ever made. An incredibly, moving, inspiring and fantastically political film that will make you want to be a better steward of this planet.” - Cinema Politica
“Dreamland is an epic film on a world-scale,
and a creative force into red-hot current affairs.”
- H.S., Morgunblaðið (Morning Paper)
“The film shakes the viewer to his core,
and forces him to look within.
Powerful and necessary reminder that today
we cannot allow ourselves not to take a stand.”
- B.S., Fréttablaðið (The News Paper)
“Straight to the point, the sharpest documentary ever
in our humble history of cinema.”
- O.H.T, RÚV, Rás 2, (Icelandic Broadcasting Company)
“What a scenery, what selection of old and new footage,
what beauty in cinematography and music.
The film floats by under strong visual direction,
and skillful research, there are no dead moments.”
- E.E., DV (Daily Newspaper)